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Image Optimization For Seo – Best Practices

When the emphasis is put on creating quality content for search engine optimization, it not only refers to text but includes images as well. As the saying goes “A picture is worth a thousand words” hence images add more value for the users.

So what categorizes the image domain? Pictures, info graphics, and other multimedia content all come under images. With the help of images, you can keep users engaged for a longer period of time.

However adding images to your content won’t be enough. You have to optimize your images for overall success of SEO click here for info

The following aspects should be considered for optimization of images.

1. Relevancy

You can’t just add images for the sake of enhancing the user’s experience. The images should make sense and be relevant to the content. Adding images that don’t complement content will ruin user’s experience. Another important factor is placement of images. Place images where it makes most sense.

2. Originality

The key for a successful SEO is to create original content whether text or images. For images, either you can hire a graphic designer or use high quality camera to capture original images. That’s the reason most of the white hat SEO companies hire a professional graphic designer to create original photos.

However if you don’t have resources or means to hire a professional or take your own pictures, there is an easy alternative. You can download images from websites that are copyright free. There are many tools like unsplash, flicker and free images that help you in getting copyright free images.

3. Image size

Image sizes play an important role in the web loading speed. So when you’re putting images, make sure that they don’t compromise your websites speed. The art is to find a right balance between image quality and page speed. For that you need to reduce the size of file by compressing it. There are different tools available to compress the files like Photoshop.

4. File name

To improve your SEO include keywords in your image file name.
For example, if your image is related to selling bags, rather than using the file name as “IMG_12453” you can use it as “leather_bags_men”. The keywords will direct users to your webpage.

5. Alt text

Alt text is known as alternative text and it is used to describe the message and content behind an image. So just like files names, alt text can be used to your advantage for attracting search engines. One way to maximize the use of alt text is by using keywords so to boost your rankings. However alt text should be clear and descriptive. It should be linked to the text and must be meaningful.

Image Optimization Key Takeaways

If you follow above-mentioned tips it should enhance users engagement, improve page-loading speed, upgrade your visibility in image search results and add values to your keyword performance.

Make sure that images and alt texts that are being used to support the content are relevant. Other things worth taking care of are as follows.

Compress file size in order to improve webpage loading speed.

Understand what type of file you are using. JPEG is generally the best option for image optimization, as it doesn’t comprise the quality of image when its size is reduced. It forms high quality image even after compressions.

Avoid using GIFs for big product images however it’s ok to use them for small images.

For alt text, make sure that it’s not loaded with keywords and it makes true sense for the content.

Image should be related to the content. If you’re conducting a business of shoes the image should be related to shoes rather any other clothing item.

If you follow these few key steps while placing an image in your website, it will contribute immensely in your overall SEO success. If you don’t have resources or skills to do it by yourself then hire a professional graphic designer who will help you in following these guidelines.


In today’s day and age of visual world we cannot ignore the importance of visual optimization. Images make a webpage aesthetically pleasing. Every website contains one or more images on each page. So if you’re not properly optimizing your images then you are just wasting a valuable opportunity. Image optimization may take some time and effort but once done correctly it not only will improve your visual appeal but also improve your rankings for important search engines like Google.